The recipe mineral water, soymilk recipe
The mineral water, soymilk recipe streamlined (for 1 serving ), pink vegetable juice, nourish the skin to look flawless.
This recipe is for nourishes the skin with a blend of apples that contain polyphenols as an anti-oxidant in the body. Carrots are rich in vitamin A. Moisturize the skin And tomatoes have pyrazine that helps make the circulation easier.
Losing weight may be difficult for many people. If determined to determine, believe that everyone can do it. Today, I wants to encourage anyone who are dieting. I went to find a way to lose weight without spending money on drugs. It is a weight loss recipe of Akaboshi. With the use of vegetables Fruit close to the body and curd juice. That we eat together as a weight loss aid.
- 1⁄2 apple (120 grams), can be removed without peeling. slide into pieces to fit into the extractor conveniently.
- 1 carrot (90 g), thoroughly washed, lengthwise, put in a separator, whole peel.
- 2 tomato (75 g), cut off the stem, crosswise into quarters , the peel and the seeds.
- 1/3 tablespoon squeezed lemon juice, set aside.
- Then add to the vegetable juice along with the tofu juice.
- Soymilk 200 cc. Use low-calorie tofu water without any additives or you can use tofu water with sugar
Total calories 248 kcal, Calcium 98 mg, Iron 2.8 mg, Retinol is a substance that acts like vitamin A 1,331 mcg.
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